Catalogues & Ordering
Telopea Brimstone Blush (Waratah) 1.5litre pot
H: 3m An upright shrub robust shrub once established. Very free flowering Sept/Oct with large reddish/pink flowers. Excellent cutflower. Plant in full sun or filtered light. Stake to support when planted. Prefers free draining soils. Avoid fertilsers.
Protea Nerifolia Ruby (2.8litre pot -Good Seconds))
Also known as nerifolia Pink and the most well known Protea in home gardens from past years. Develops into a large shrub so cutting flowers and Spring pruning assist to limit dimensions in the early years. Adaptable to a variety … Continued
Protea Pink Ice (2.5 -2.8litre pot – Good Seconds plants)
A vigourous tidy growing plant which is free flowering all year round.Flowers are a rich pink-red with a silvery appearance.It is adaptable to a wide range of soil types.Prune prior to Spring growth to shape & size. Height: 1.5m
Protea Limelight (2.8litre pot ) – Good Seconds.
A select low growing shrub noted for its lime greeny-white fls during Winter.Popular for picking.Suited to average well drained soils.Prune to shape. Height 1.5 – 2m
Ozothamnus Winter White ‘Rice flower’
A select form of the Rice Flower. Has an erect growth habit terminating in large clusters of rice like flowers which are snow white. Flowering can be almost all year round with peak flowering in Winter/Spring. Best in full sun … Continued
Ozothamnus Royal Flush ‘Rice Flower’
A select form of the Rice Flower. Has an erect growth habit terminating in large clusters of rice like flowers which are purplish red in bud opening pink then to white. Flowering can be almost all year round with peak … Continued
Ozothamnus Springtime White ‘Rice flower’
A select form of the Rice Flower. Has an erect growth habit terminating in large clusters of rice like flowers which are pure white. Flowering can be almost all year round with peak flowering in Spring. Best in full sun … Continued
Ozothamnus Just Blush ‘Rice Flower ‘
A select form of the Rice Flower. Has an erect growth habit terminating in large clusters of rice like flowers which are soft pink in bud opening pink then white. Flowering can be almost all year round with peak flowering … Continued
Metrosideros Tahiti
Metrosideros Tahiti is a small Pacific Island species with oblong grey-green leaves. Masses of brilliant orange-red blooms intermittently through the year with the main flush producing brilliant winter colour. Hardy in coastal situations. Useful containers plant. Height: 1.5m Width: 1m
Leptospermum Merinda
Has vibrant magenta flowers that cover the bush in colour. Flowers occur in late Spring. Early growth of this plant is spreading or cascading, but will develop into a small shrub of approximately 1m tall x 1m wide. Frost tolerant. … Continued
Leptospermum Blushing Star
A striking semi prostrate plant. Vigorous arching growth is smothered in late spring with soft pink with dark centre flowers. Flowering is over a prolonged period and sporadic flowering can occur in Autumn An ideal plant for a rockery cascading … Continued
Callistemon viridiflorus – great seconds!
An upright evergreen shrub which bears cream/green bottlebrush flowers late spring and summer. It isĀ a reasonably hardy frost tolerant plant. Soils should be light to medium moist but well drained. Prune to shape and size. Height: 2m
Callistemon Red Clusters – 2nds only!
Vigorous large shrub, new leaves emerge a silvery-pink turning to mid- green. Masses of red bottlebrush flowers with gold anthers appear in terminal clusters in spring and autumn. Tolerant of poor dry soils, though prefers some moisture. Provides nectar for … Continued
Callistemon Harkness
Tolerant of a variety of sites, this evergreen tree-like, bottlebrush is hardy and adaptable. It has pendulous branches, with grey-green leaves, off which masses of red flower spikes form during spring and autumn. The flowers are long lasting and attract … Continued
Callistemon John Mashlan
A compact upright bush producing masses of candy floss pink bottlebrush flowers during Spring/Summer. Hardy and tolerant of dry situations once established. Best in full sun in well drained soils. Height: 2m
Leucadendron Red Gem (2.5litre pot) – great plants!
A medium sized rounded shrub which provides foliage colour all year round. Bronze-red bracts change in June/July to apricot/yellow tone. Quick grower adaptable to most well drained soils in full sun. Height: 1.5m
Leucadendron Loving Memories
An attractive erect shrub with deep red foliage in late summer developing reddish bracts in Autumn/Winter. Suited to open sunny situations in free draining acidic soils. Useful cutflower. Useful coastal plant. Prune to shape and size mid Spring. Height: 1.5m
Leucadendron discolor female ‘Cream Supreme’ 3.3litre pot
A very attractive slender shrub. Makes a great display of terminal pale butter yellow bracts in late Spring.Ideal for picking. Likes free draining soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back to shape and enhance the following years flowering. Avoid … Continued
Leucadendron Cream Bun 3.3litre pot
A compact small shrub which develops bronzy-red tipped foliage in early-mid Winter which then develops into creamy yellow bracts late winter. Suited yo open sunny situations in free draining acidic soils. Useful coastal plant. Prune to shape and size mid … Continued
Leucadendron Cherry Glow
An attractive low compact plant which has cherry coloured flowers surrounded by yellow bracts. Suits well drained situations in full sun. Height: 0.5m
Leucadendron Candy Delight 3.3litre pot
An attractive erect shrub with blue green foliage developing reddish bracts in Autumn/winter. Suited to open sunny situations in free draining acidic soils. Useful cutflower. Useful coastal plant. Prune to shape and size mid Spring. Height 1.5m
Andromeda Compactum ‘Bog Rosemary’
Also known as Bog Rosemary. Low growing shrub that is usually found growing on moist and wet moors and in woodlands. The shape of the foliage is similar to that of Rosemary. Small, bell-like flowers begin to emerge in September … Continued
Leucadendron Copper Tone
An erect shrub with coppery red bracts which in mid Winter develop a cream inner bract. As the bracts age they take on a further coppery red tone. Free flowering on long stems ideal for cutflower. Suited to full sun … Continued
Grevillea Goldfever (suitable as pot plant)
This is a low spreading shrub that produces golden flowers for most of the year. It is suitable for use as a groundcover, border plant and will do well as a pot plant. Prefers lighter sandy soils but will tolerate … Continued
Leucadendron Valentina – floral work! PRICE SPECIAL!
Lovely red dark. An exciting new Leucadendron hybrid raised from Safari Sunset. It has a very erect habit producing long stems with either individual or multi deep red bracts in Autumn that change to a bicolour stage in late Winter. … Continued