Catalogues & Ordering
Leucospermum Ayoba Orange
H: 1.5m An attractive new hybrid. It has a vigorous habit that produces long stems of orange pincushion flower-heads from Spring to early Summer. It is best suited to an open full sun situation in light free draining acidic soils. … Continued
Leucospermum Ayoba Red (1.5litre) – vibrant red !
H: 1.5m x W 1.8m An attractive new hybrid. It has a vigourous habit that produces long stems of deep red pincushion flowerheads from Spring to early Summer. It is best suited to an open full sun situation in light … Continued
Leucospermum praecox
H: 1m A robust small shrub with yellow turning to orange pincushion like flowers in spring. Flowers borne in terminal clusters. Prune to shape and size once flowering has finished. Useful plant for coastal situations.
Leucadendron X.Patea Gold
Vigorous upright foliage plant. Produces long stems bright yellow multi headed bracts in Spring. The bracts then develop green tinged red cones. Bracts and cones excellent for floral work. Prune hard late November. Adaptable to a wide variety of soils. … Continued
Leucadendron Starburst – great colour !
H: 1.5m An erect shrub which develops and intense purplish colouring in late summer early autumn. The long slender purple stems bear yellow male flowers in late Winter/Spring. Suited to well drained soils in full sun. Prune to shape and … Continued
Leucadendron s. Early Yellow
H: .5M A small low tidy plant. Produces clear yellow bracts on the tips of all branches in late Autumn early Winter. Provide well drained sunny site.
Leucadendron Cloudbank Ginny
H: 1M A colourful rounded shrub with unique branch characteristics producing large cream bracts with a central ball of rich orange fls in Spring. Good for picking. Suits well drained soils.
Leucadendron Bells Supreme
H: 1m An attractive tidy plant producing 50cm stems of deep burgundy red bracts from February-June.Useful for picking.Suited to well drained soils in full sun.Trim back after flowering or prior to spring growth.
Grevillea White Knight – delightful small bush – white flowers !
Height: 1m An attractive small rounded shrub bearing clusters of creamy white to yellow flowers winter/spring.It is a hardy shrub with vivid green foliage. Plants are frost hardy and drought tolerant once established. Can be given a light trim to … Continued
Grevillea Depauperata Ember Glow
H: Prostrate NEW RELEASE 1998 An attractive spreading plant ideal for rockeries or cascading over banks. Has large clusters of bright red fls predominantly Winter-Spring. Suited to well drained soils in full sun.Canbe trimmed late winter to shape
Grevillea Strawberry Blonde – lovely taller plants!
H: 2m A compact bushy shrub. The soft grey green leaves contrast nicely with the honey yellow toothbrush like flower heads. Suited to well drained soils in full sun. Prune to shape and size after flowering.
Grevillea Sea Spray
H: 75cm A very attractive low growing and spreading shrub. The soft grey foliage is covered with beautifully showy red flowers from Autumn to Spring. Ideally suited to free draining soils in full sun and will handle coastal situations. Trim … Continued
Grevillea Deua Gold PVR
‘Deua Gold’ offers good colour to any garden over the long winter period. The bright golden flowers can be seen continuously year round, with peak flowering being Mar-Oct. Trim to shape and size late Spring. Prefers an open sunny situation … Continued
Grevillea Barklyana (3litre pot)
A tall erect quick growing rounded shrub with large deeply cut leaves. Red tooth brush like flowers are prominent winter-spring. Suited to well drained soils in full sun. Height: 3m. Frost Resistant.
Banksia Blechnifolia (prostrate)
Leptospermum Cygnus
Hybrid selection noted for its pure white frilled flowers borne in mass late spring. Also sooty mould resistant. Erect vigourous growth habit. Cut back after flowering. Suited to most soil types in full sun situation. H: 1.5m
Banksia Occidentalis
Red Swamp Banksia. An upright shrub with red flowers in Autumn attractive to birds. Will grow well in wetter soils as well as well drained soils.Prune well to shape. H: 2M
Grevillea Peaches n Cream PVR – Bushy !
Small bushy shrub. Has large clusters of cream flowers which age to a peach colour. Flower can be sporadic with peak flowering in spring. Likes full sun in well-drained soils. Prune to shape late spring. H: 1.2m.
Leptospermum Centaurus
Flowering in late Spring, Centaurus has cerise margined white petals, that surround a dark eye with prominent cerise eyelashes! 1.5m bush with a slightly weeping habit. Hardy to both cold and dry conditions, grow in well drained sunny spot. Prune … Continued