Callistemon Mr Foster
Red Bottle Brush
2m x 2m
Red Bottle Brush
2m x 2m
3.5 litre pot
Dense straggling shrub to 1.5 m high. The flowers are usually crimson but sometimes greenish-yellow.
Leaves narrow-oblanceolate, 4.5–9 cm long, 3–9 mm wide, apex abruptly narrowed and mucronate; lamina thick, leathery, grey-green with prominent midrib and intramarginal veins.
Spikes 5–10 cm long, 50–60 mm diam. Filaments c. 25 mm long, rich crimson or rarely yellowish green. Capsules c. 6 mm diam., apex constricted. It is a hardy plant that grows well in poorly drained soil in full sun.
Scarlet Blooms
A small shrub with dark-green, needle-like foliage covering the stems. Each stem is topped with a cluster of stunning red flowers. Cut back stems after flowering to maintain shape. Prefers a warm, sunny site in the garden but will tolerate light frosts. Well drained soil. Eventual height 1m
1 metre x 1 metre
An attractive small rounded shrub which smothers itself in velvety white bells in Spring. Suitable for picking. Susceptible to frost. Does well in moist well drained sandy soils.
H: 1metre
Red flowers
A vigorous and hardy groundcover suitable for areas requiring quick coverage. Deep pink/red flowers for most of the year. Will establish better with good weed control or weed mat protection from invasion.
H: Prostrate. F: Majority of year. Frost hardy. Attracts birds.
An attractive small rounded semi weeping plant bearing masses of lolly pink flowers late summer-autumn. New growth has a rich plum coloured hue. Excellant for planting in mass. Adaptable to a wide range of soils and conditions.
H: 1metre
Native dwarf flax. Bold and dramatic. Frost tolerant. Sun or part shade. Versatile as a border, mass planted, or around pool. Well drained sopil. Can handle extended dry.
Height: 1.2m
3.3 litre pot
Tall erect tree bearing masses of orange/yellow flowers.
Can be quick growing in ideal situations.
Prefers free draining soils in warm situation in full sun.
Height: 5 metres
Lemon Bottle-brush
2.5m x 2.5m
PB6.5 bag
Vigorous prostrate groundcover spreading up to 2-3 metres with attractive bronze leaves and wine red toothbrush flowers all year with a mass display in Spring.
H: prostrate. F: Spring. Frost hardy. Attracts birds.
Eucalyptus Baby Blue – ‘2nds’
These are NOT 1sts but 2nds – they are going to grow and make good plants but currently they are ‘unshapely’. They currently do not look all over like the picture. Call in at the nursery to view.
A select form of the Silver Dollar Gum noted for its smaller round blue- green leaves and more compact growth habit. Useful for picking. Suited to most soils and situations in full sun.
H: 3m (although many gardeners use the branches for foliage and keep the plant lower).
2.5l pot
Slow-growing shrub, height 4m x width 2m, with gold and black brushes which are highly attractive to honeyeaters
A tidy erect plant. Well drained soils. Full sun or light shade. An attractive feature plant for dry areas.
Height: 1.6m
Vigorous climber. Pale lavender and white flowers. Sweet scent. Great on walls, fences, trellises or pergolas. Drought tolerant.
An attractive slection with very deep mauve-purple flowers. Flowers smother the plant in Spring.Suited to most soil types in full sun. Would make an attractive screen plant. Trim back after flowering to shape and size.
Height: 1.5metres
A tall erect quick growing rounded shrub with large deeply cut leaves. Red
tooth brush like flowers are prominent winter-spring. Suited to well drained
soils in full sun.
Height: 3m. Frost Resistant.
Heath Banksia Bushy large shrub with large golden brown fls in Autumn- Winter which attracts nectar feeding birds.Ideally suited to an open sunny situation. Adaptable to many soil types. Responds well to pruning to maintain shape and size.
Height: 2m
Flower Colour Tangerine
Gift Vouchers are available, at any value – just email to inquire.
Please allow enough for courier and plant/s.
An example bouquet.
Popular evergreen bushy shrub with wide, spreading branches that feature 10cm scarlet, fine toothbrush-like flowers.
H: 3m. F: Spring – Summer. Frost hardy. Useful for floristry. Attracts birds.
A select form of the Rice Flower. Has an erect growth habit terminating in large clusters of rice like flowers which are snow white. Flowering can be almost all year round with peak flowering in Winter/Spring. Best in full sun in a free draining acidic soil. Flowers are ideal for cutflower or can be dried. Prune when flowering is complete to enhance next flowering. Can be a container plant. Attracts bees. Tolerates light frost
Height: 1.5m
An upright evergreen shrub which bears cream/green bottlebrush flowers late spring and summer. It is a reasonably hardy frost tolerant plant. Soils should be light to medium moist but well drained. Prune to shape and size.
Height: 2m
Vigorous large shrub, new leaves emerge a silvery-pink turning to mid- green. Masses of red bottlebrush flowers with gold anthers appear in terminal clusters in spring and autumn. Tolerant of poor dry soils, though prefers some moisture. Provides nectar for bees and birds. Good for hedging. Grows in most soil types including sandy soils. Well drained it prefers even moisture but tolerates dry soils. Sun or semi-shade. Useful coastal or exposed sites. Tolerates some frost.
Height: 3m
A compact upright bush producing masses of candy floss pink bottlebrush flowers during Spring/Summer. Hardy and tolerant of dry situations once established. Best in full sun in well drained soils.
Height: 2m
An attractive plant with an erect but compact growth habit. Masses of striking hot pink bottlebrush flowers are produced terminally Winter through Spring. Likes free draining soils in full sun for best results. Prune to shape and size late Spring.
Height: 1.5m
An evergreen robust shrub. It is a prolific flowerer bearing spikes of crimson red flowers almost all year round. Prefers light to medium soils in a moist sunny position. Frost hardy. Prune back to shape and size.
Height: 3m
See our gallery of photos fro Matakana Sculptural Habitat aka The Secret Garden
A Banksia ericafolia hybrid with erect growth habit. Flower buds are lemon yellow opening to orange gold flowers. Flower cones up to 30cm long. Flowers from spring to early summer. Bird attracting. Suited to most well drained soils.
Height: 2m
A striking new hybrid Grevillea it develops into a fully foliaged plant to the ground and when in full flower, has gold clusters of flowers more or less from every terminal growth. Flowering is prolonged from Autumn to Spring. Frost hardy to minus 3 degrees C once established.
Adaptable to most well drained soils in an open sunny situation. Plants can be trimmed in late spring to shape if required.
An excellent plant for open sunny situations. Bird attracting. Is quite at home in coastal situations.
H 75cm x W 1m
(We have a few good 2nds grade Grevillea Eureka Plants- let me know if you would like these at $25 each)
red flowers, small bush
Excellent compact growing plant. Useful in landscaping in rock gardens, borders, patios, and tubs. Clusters of deep red bottle brush flowers appear throughout the year. Hardy, prefers full sun in well drained soils.
Height: 75cm
New Release. A stunning upright Leptospermum which smothers itself in masses of deep red flowers in mid-late Spring. Suited to most soil types in full sun. Would make an attractive screen plant. Trim back after flowering to shape and size.
Height: 1.8m
An attractive evergreen shrub with colourful scarlet flowers. hardy, grows well in any exposed situation. withstands salt laden winds and is adaptable to any soil type. Frost tender when young.
Height: 3m
Erect tidy shrub bearing terminal clusters of deep red bottlebrush flowers. Its growth habit is quite vigorous requiring a prune to shape and size after flowering. Quite adaptable to most soils that are well drained. Prefers open sunny situation.
Height: 2m
‘Narrow-leaf drumsticks’. Evergreen shrub, leaves are leathery and flowers cone-like. Upright shrub to 2m tall with narrow, needle-like, divided leaves less than 1mm in diameter borne on reddish stems. Globular yellow flowerheads up to 4cm in diameter comprising individual flowers arranged in a spiral pattern are borne in spring and early summer and are followed by grey cones. Prefers full sun or partial shade. Most acidic soil types. Well drained. Useful wall-side borders, low maintenance city and courtyard gardens.
Height: 2m Width: 1m. Medium hardy.
large flame red flower spikes
Forms a bushy shrub with large flame red flower spikes on the ends of the branches in late Winter through Spring. Its slow rather dense growth habit makes it a useful plant for a hedge. Likes full sun in free draining soils.
H 1.5m
A fast growing attractively foliaged plant which produces terminal green flower heads in autumn. Requires pruning. Is suited to a sunny position in a well drained soil.
Height 4metres